Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Princess of the Potty

Housetraining Macy has been, at best, a trial. She's little by breed, so of course her bladder is the size of a peanut. No lie. A PEANUT. Think about that....
Anyway, peanut-bladder here wet her crate about a week ago. So she got a bath. And wrapped in a towel (see above). This is not the actual bath photo, but a photo taken today after she had gone out IN THE SNOW to potty. A puppy went out; a wet rat returned. I had the towel warm in the dryer ready for her :)
Like any little puppy princess, Lady Macy has a pink chew toy. She's 3 months, so according to what we've read she is going to chew EVERYTHING. They even call this her "terrible twos" and that's no joke. We had a spree of accidents this week in the house, but today we've cracked down more on her routine and reward her with tasty treats when she goes outside. It's been a much better training day. She did, however, manage to knock the baby gate down earlier today by chewing it into submission.

One vicious little mess. Doesn't she look tough?

Puppy in a box. Need I say more?

There's nothing like it; I hear it's "training wheels for a baby", but me? And Johnathan? And another human? AND the princess puppy?
It sounds a little overwhelming, but who knows...maybe one day (in the FAR OFF future!). Johnathan's parents have already clearly stated that grand-dogs are not eligible for babysitting services, and that they will only accept human babies (as opposed to non-human babies, which if anyone could produce it would be me...)

Seeing as the snow is coming down here in the South, I may get a chance to post again tomorrow about new stuff going on in Renovation Station. Pictures to follow!

One last thing: I have updated the blog roll and re-titled it. Added are two sites that I insist you check out if you're young, hip and fun like these folks! (Or you're more like me and just wish you were young, hip and fun).
The fabulous Morgan blogs about being sassy, sweet and a Mom all at once (oh and she's SO fashionable, too)
John and Sherry redesign rooms ONLINE. So cool! (And they don't mind if you steal their ideas)

Happy reading! Let me know if you check these sites out. What do you think?
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1 comment:

Morgan | Mrs. Priss said...

ah! I'm so flattered! Thank you very much for linking to me... you're a doll! :)

Happy Monday!