Saturday, March 3, 2012

SOLSC: A Series of (humorously) Unfortunate Events

Everyone I know (seriously, practically everyone!) was all about the UNC/Duke game today, also known at the Really Important Basketball Game. The trash talking started early and happened often. I kept myself out of it this time because I spent the day in Rock Hill, South Carolina at a Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion show. One of the perks of being a lifelong band geek is the 10 Saturdays each year I spend watching ensembles because I have the good fortune of having a band director for a best friend.

I drove to Rock Hill and enjoyed some great performances today before trusting mapquest on my iPhone to get me back to Cherryville. A little over halfway home I noticed that the giant lemonade I had at the event had arrived in my bladder, and I was going to BURST! But, I was pretty close to home so no need to stop at some random convenience store in the dark in unknown territory, right? Before I made it to my house I stopped at a Bojangle's drive through for a quick dinner, then straight home. Because seriously, I had to go!!

No such luck. When I got to our house I opened the garage door and fished for my keys. I looked, and looked and look but they were NOWHERE to be found. I got out of the car and dug through my purse with the most ridiculous sense of urgency. When I finally admitted to myself that I didn't have my keys, I called my husband, who was at a friend's house watching the aforementioned Really Important Basketball Game. He had to leave the party and drive another 20 minutes to let me into my own house, because I had locked myself out.

Have I mentioned that I still REALLY need a bathroom? No? Ok.

Another quirky thing that added to my misery: our garage door does not close by remote. Oh no, you have to hold the button down in the garage then go through the front door to leave. So here I am, no keys, garage door up, and I STILL can't get to a restroom.

Solution: leave garage door up (the door is locked, remember?) and find a restroom elsewhere. At this point I am practically crying out of frustration. I managed to get to a grocery store super close to our house  and my bladder was extremely grateful. I went back to our house and ate dinner in the car while listening to part of the Really Important Basketball Game until my husband got home to let me in the house. We caught the last little bit of the Really Important Basketball Game on an actual television, and our team WON! Whew!

All told, it's a silly story about how I really had to pee, locked myself out of the house and ate dinner in my own garage because that was as close as I could get to my kitchen table. If that's the craziest a Saturday is going to get right now, I'll take it!


Deanna H said...

I seriously did not mean to laugh at your story, but I did. :) Well written and a great post!

jenb. said...

TOTALLY something that would happen to me. And, to be quite honest, I have often thought that things like this ONLY happen to me, so I am glad to have found a new companion, and I will apologize for that willingly, but your attitude about it is awesome, which might also bond us! :) One of my motto's is, "Life's all about making great stories to tell." :)