Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Goodies

Winter break has finally arrived in the school district, and as if it were the perfect holiday gift wrapped up with a big shiny red bow :)

Students and staff were dismissed at 10:30 Friday morning. YES. That means I had students in my classroom for a grand total of 90 minutes, because I have 2nd block planning. The cancellation of said school day also meant the cancellation of the evening's basketball games, which would bum me out except that I had (foolishly) signed up for gate duty that would last 5 hours. So, two gifts in one for me!

Having that said, I spent most of the early dismissal day and today cooking and baking lots of holiday treats. I like to cook and bake year round, but with graduate school and the band program in full swing August-mid March, there isn't a lot of time to do it.

I have made (so far) butterscotch haystacks, oreo truffles, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies (from scratch!) and plan on making at least one cake and my husband's favorite chocolate/peanut butter layered dessert.

For your enjoyment, I'm sharing my recipe for butterscotch haystacks, which I modified slightly from many I saw at

Butterscotch haystacks
makes 12

2c. chow mein noodles (I prefer La Choy brand)
1 large scoop peanut butter (probably 1/2 c. or so)
1/2 bag Nestle butterscotch chips

Melt butterscotch chips (any method, I use the microwave for about 90 seconds, stirring every 30)
Stir peanut butter into melted chips
In a large bowl, pour mixture over chow mein noodles, stir until coated
Drop in stacks onto wax paper, allow to harden (may be refrigerated)

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