It's a cloudy rainy day and I haven't written in 2 weeks! I've been up to a lot though, so here's an update for my 3 whole readers.
Kitchen Countertops
Amazing! Blogger has not been cooperative with image upload here in Cherryville. However, since I'm staying in to work on lesson plans and such today, hopefully I'll have enough patience to fight with it longer than usual. Anyway, the kitchen looks fabulous but the photos won't do it justice I'm sure.
Birthday Activities
Johnathan and my parents and I went to Boone to cook out on the parkway so we could spend some part of the weekend with my brother and Cameon. There are some hilarious photos to be seen! On my birthday we had a band thing but grilled out at mom's afterward. Lots of fun!
Stevie firing up the grill on the parkway
Cameon LOVES her some Little Debbies
This is my birthday cake. The "candle" is the grill lighter. Someone forgot the real ones!
After lunch, a scuffle ensued between Wes and Cameon. They are so funny! Even though Wes is much bigger than his girlfriend, I think she bested him this time.
Yes, that's Christmas underwear peaking through the shorts!!
Beach Trip
Our trip to the beach with my family occurred over our 1st wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful dinner together and enjoyed being alone on our vacation for a while. Our trip ended earlier than we expected but we had fun while we were there.
New Job
I have unloaded my classroom stuff into my new room. It's exciting! I'm really looking forward to meeting new students and teaching juniors in addition to the 9th and 10th grade classes. Good things are happening! Band is also rolling along with meetings and rehearsals.
New light fixtures are hung in the living room and Johnathan and I finally have a ceiling fan in our room! Photos posted soon!